Jim Osman
Pastor-Teacher, Kootenai Community Church
Appears in 305 Episodes
With What Body? (1 Corinthians 15:35-49)
A look at the nature of the resurrected body for the righteous. And exposition of 1 Corinthians 15:35-49.

Wrapping Up John (John 21:24-25)
A look at John's signature for his book. We see three things that John says about his testimony concerning Christ. An exposition of John 21:24-25.

Following Christ To Death (John 21:18-23)
The death of Peter is predicted by Jesus. We look at how our death can glorify God. An exposition of John 21:18-23.

Love For The Risen Christ, Part 2 (John 21:15-17)
Title: Love For The Risen Christ, Part 2 – John 21:15-17 A look at the centrality of love in Christian life and Service. An exposition of John 21:15-17.

Love For The Risen Christ, Part 1 (John 21:15-17)
We look at Jesus publicly restoring Peter to ministry. An exposition of John 21:15-17.

A Breakfast on the Seashore (John 21:4-14)
We take a look at the lessons to be learned from Jesus’ seventh post-Resurrection appearance. An exposition of John 21:4-14.

The Appearances in Galilee (John 21:1-3)
A look at the three final resurrection appearances of Jesus, and an introduction to the seventh appearance, that to the disciples on the sea of Tiberius. Exposition of...

So That You May Believe (John 20:30-31)
This is the purpose statement of John's Gospel. A look at the reason John wrote John. Exposition of John 20:30-31.

Another Doubter Convinced (John 20:24-29)
The sixth appearance of Jesus after the Resurrection was to His disciples, this time with Thomas present. We take a look at the notorious "Doubting Thomas." An exposit...

Calmed, Convinced, Commissioned (John 20:19-23)
During His first appearance to His disciples (with Thomas absent) Jesus calmed their fears, convinced them of His resurrection, and commissioned them to service. An ex...

Three More Sunday Appearances (Matthew 28:8-10; Luke 24:13-35)
A look at three more appearances of the risen Christ on Resurrection Sunday: Includes the appearance to the women (Matthew 28:8-10), the appearance to two disciples on...

The First Appearance (John 20:11-18)
John's account of the first appearance of Jesus after His resurrection. The appearance to Mary Magdalene. An exposition of John 20:11-18.

Empty Wrappings, Empty Grave (John 20:3-10)
John's account of his visit to the empty tomb. An exposition of John 20:3-10.

The Appearances Of The Risen Christ (Selected Scriptures)
A look at how we handle differences in the gospel accounts and an overview of the 10 Post-Resurrection Appearances of Jesus.

Resurrection! (1 Corinthians 15:12-19)
On overview of the dire consequences of denying the doctrine of resurrection, and an apologetic for the historicity of the resurrection narratives.

Placed In A Garden Tomb (John 19:38-42)
We study the most important funeral to ever happen in this world. A look at the burial parties (persons involved), practice, and place. Exposition of John 19:38-42..

Him Whom They Pierced (John 19:31-37)
The events after the death of Jesus fulfilled Scripture. We look at how the actions of the soldiers ended up fulfilling Old Testament Prophecy. An exposition of John ...

Sayings From The Cross (John 19:25-30)
A study of the 4 women who were eye-witnesses to the crucifixion and a survey of all seven statements Jesus uttered from the cross with particular focus on the three r...

Gambling For Garments (John 19:23-25)
A look at the shame and symbolism of the Roman Soldiers casting lots for Jesus' clothing. We also look at the prophecy of this event in Psalm 22:1. An exposition of J...

A Very Significant Sign (John 19:17-22)
Pilate and the Jewish leaders clash over the wording of the sign that hung above the head of Jesus on the cross. An exposition of John 19:17-22..

The Final Verdict (John 19:12-16)
Jesus' final moments before Pilate. An exposition of John 19:12-16.

Panicking Pilate (John 19:7-11)
The Jews raised a new accusation against Jesus; "He made Himself out to be the Son of God." Pilate was filled with fear. An exposition of John 19:7-11.

Prelude To Death (John 19:1-6)
Jesus is scourged and humiliated then presented to the public. An exposition of John 19:1-6.

Christ Before Pilate, Round 2 (John 18:38-40)
A look at the trial before Herod and then the release of Barabbas. An exposition of John 18:38-40.

Talking With THE Truth (John 18:33-38)
Jesus had a conversation with Pilate regarding the nature of His Kingdom and the nature of His Commission. An exposition of John 18:33-38.

Christ Before Pilate, Round 1 (John 18:28-32)
This is John's account of Christ's trial before Pilate. . An exposition of John 18:28-32.

Three Times Denied (John 18:25-27)
A look at Peter's three denials of Christ. An exposition of John 18:25-27.

The Christ Trials, Part 2 (John 18:19-24)
A look at the first trial of Christ on the evening of His arrest and Peter's first denial. An exposition of John 18:19-24.

The Christ Trials, Part 1 (John 18:(12-18)
A look at the first trial of Christ on the evening of His arrest and Peter's first denial. An exposition of John 18:12-18.

Judas: The Traitor (Selected Scriptures)
A Biorgraphical Sermon on Judas Iscariot. An exposition of Selected Scriptures.