All Episodes

Displaying 211 - 240 of 305 in total

Demanding Signs, Part 1 (John 6:28-30)

The response of the crowd to Jesus rebuke of their motives. An exposition of John 6:28-30.

Seeking Spiritual Food (John 6:22-27)

The beginnin of the Bread of Life Discourse. An exposition of John 6:22-27.

Walking On Water (John 6:16-21)

Jesus demonstrates His control over nature when He walks on water. An exposition of John 6:16-21.

Missing The Message Of The Miracle (John 6:14-15)

We examine the response of the Multitude to the Miracle of the Feeding of the 5,000. An exposition of John 6:14-15.

A Multitude, Manna, And A Miracle, Part 2 (John 6:8-13)

The provision that Christ provided shows us much about His person. An exposition of John 6:8-13.

A Multitude, Manna, And A Miracle, Part 1 (John 6:1-7)

The only miracle recorded in all four gospels - the feeding of the 5,000. An exposition of John 6:1-7.

Introducing John 6 (John 6:1-71)

An overview of John 6 covering two miracles, two responses, one discourse and a response. An exposition of John 6:1-71.

Hoping In Moses (John 5:45-47)

An exposition of John 5:45-47.

An Unbelieving Heart Exposed (John 5:41-44)

Three characteristics of an unbelieving heart: a misplaced affection, a misplaced trust, a misdirected pursuit. An exposition of John 5:41-44.

The Witness Of The Scriptures (John 5:39-40)

Jesus reveals that the Old Testament is about Him. An exposition of John 5:39-40.

The Witness Of The Father (John 5:37-38)

In what way has the Father testified of the Son? An exposition of John 5:37-38.

The Witness Of The Works (John 5:36)

The purpose of miracles and the Pharisees rejection of Jesus' signs. An exposition of John 5:36.

The Witness Of John (John 5:31-35)

The first of four witnesses to Jesus' claims in John 5:19-30.

Judgment And Justice (John 5:30)

A look at the characteristics of Jesus' Judgment. An exposition of John 5:30.

When The Dead Arise (Selected Scriptures)

When will the Resurrection to Life and the Resurrection to Judgment take place. We take a quick look at the chronology of these end times events. (John 5:28-29 and Sel...

The Coming Resurrection Of The Dead (John 5:28-29)

The Resurrection of all men. John 5:28-29.

The Voice That Brings Life (John 5:25-27)

How the dead are raised and why Jesus is able to do so. An exposition of John 5:25-27.

Escaping Death And Judgment (John 5:24)

In the midst of His enemy's persecution, Jesus gave a most gracious offer for forgiveness. An exposition of John 5:24.

Honoring The Father And The Son (John 5:23)

The design of the Father to be honored through the Son. An exposition of John 5:23.

Judge Of All (John 5:22)

Jesus reveals that He will be the Judge of all men. In light of Scripture's teaching on that final judgment, it is a strong argument for the deity of Christ. An exposi...

Lord Of Life (John 5:21)

We look at Jesus' claim to have both the power and prerogative over physical and spiritual resurrection. An exposition of John 5:21.

Working The Works Of God (John 5:20-21)

An exposition of John 5:20-21.

Special: Digging Deeper Into The Doctrine Of The Trinity (John 5:19)

A review of the sermon "The Doctrine Of the Trinity" and a look at other theological issues connected with the doctrine of the Trinity including "ontological trinity,"...

The Doctrine Of The Trinity (John 5:19)

A definition of the historic doctrine of the Trinity. Preparation for John 5:19 and following.

The Persecution Of The Divine Son (John 5:16-18)

Jesus' claim to absolute equality with God the Father. An exposition of John 5:16-18.

Nitpicking Over Pallets (John 5:10-15)

A controversy erupts over a healed man. An exposition of John 5:10-15.

The Sabbath Observed And Abused (John 5:9)

A look at the abuse of the Sabbath by the Jews of Jesus' day. Selected Scriptures.

A Cure In The House Of Mercy (John 5:6-9)

A paralytic is instantly healed. An exposition of John 5:6-9.

A Cripple In The House Of Mercy (John 5:1-5)

The condition of the man at the pool of Bethesda and a discussion of the textual variant of John 5:3-4.

Introducing A Sabbath Controversy (John 5:1)

An introduction to John 5.

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