All Episodes
Displaying 151 - 180 of 305 in total
The Great I AM (John 8:54-59)
Jesus takes the divine name to Himself giving a clear and unequivocal claim to be eternal deity. An exposition of John 8:54-59.
Slandering The Son (John 8:48-53)
Jesus gets accused of being a demon possessed Samaritan. John 8:48-53.
Unable To Hear Truth (John 8:45-47)
The children of the devil will reject the truth because it is the truth. John 8:45-47.
The Father Of Lies (John 8:44)
An exposition of John 8:44.
Marks Of God’s Children (John 8:41-43)
An exposition of John 8: 41-43.
A Spiritual Paternity Test (John 8:37-41)
An exposition of John 8:37-41.
Sons And Slaves (John 8:35-36)
Jesus gives a solemn warning and a glorious promise to those Jews who had "believed" in Him. An exposition of John 8:35-36.
Slaves Of Sin, Part 2 (John 8:34)
The implications of Jesus' statement that all unbelievers are slaves to sin. An exposition of John 8:34.
Slaves Of Sin, Part 1 (John 8:33-34)
The "believers" of John 8 begin to argue with Jesus and insist upon their own freedom. An exposition of John 8:33-34.
Truth And Freedom (John 8:32)
Jesus continues to define the difference between a true and false disciple. The next two marks of a true disciple; he will know the truth, he will be freed by the trut...
The Test Of A True Disciple (John 8:31)
Jesus begins to describe the difference between fake believers and true believers. He gives the first of three marks of a true disciple: continuance. An exposition of ...
More Unbelieving Believers (John 8:30-31)
John says that some of the Pharisees in John 8 "believed." What kind of belief was this? What can we learn from this? An exposition of John 8:30-31.
Humility Of The I AM, Part 2 (John 8:25-29)
Jesus describes His relationship to the Father in terms of a Submissive Son and an Obedient Servant. An exposition of John 8:25-29.
Humility Of The I AM, Part 1 (John 8:25-29)
Jesus describes His relationship to the Father (John 8:25-29) in four ways that describe both His deity and humanity.
Believing In The I AM (John 8:24)
Jesus takes the name of God from Exodus 3:14 and applies it to Himself! A look at the 5 Absolute I AM Statements of Jesus in John's Gospel (John 8:24 and selected Scri...
Worldly And Unbelieving Men (John 8:22-24)
The Jews blasphemously respond to Jesus' assertion that they would not be able to follow Him. Jesus explains why they are excluded from the presence of God and unable ...
The Darkness Of Dying In Sin (John 8:19-21)
Jesus lovingly warns the Pharisees of the fact that they will die in their sin. An exposition of John 8:19-21.
Is Jesus A Reliable Witness? (John 8:13-18)
The Jews question the validity of Jesus' self testimony. An exposition of John 8:13-18.
The Light Of The World (John 8:12)
The second of 7 "I AM" statements from Jesus. Jesus declares Himself to be the Light of the World.
Introducing John 8 (John 8:12-59)
An overview of the 8th chapter in John's gospel.
Trapping Jesus (John 7:53-8:11)
The Pharisees set a trap and use a woman as their ploy. An exposition of John 8:1-11.
The Preservation Of Scripture (John 7:53-8:11)
A look at the uncertainty regarding John 7:53-8:11.
A Leadership Divided (John 7:45-52)
There was division among the leaders of the nation over Jesus. An exposition of John 7:45-52.
A Nation Divided (John 7:40-44)
The response of the people to the teaching of Jesus during the week of the Feast of Tabernacles. An exposition of John 7:40-44.
The Promise Of The Holy Spirit (John 7:39)
Three things we learn about the Holy Spirit and His present ministry to the Church from John 7:39.
Drinking Of Living Water (John 7:38)
Such a simple solution to such a profound problem - yet impossible for fallen men. An exposition of John 7:38.
Water For A Thirsty Soul – John 7:37
An exposition of John 7:37.
Where I Am You Cannot Come – John 7:34-36
An exposition of John 7:34-36.
His Soon Departure (John 7:31-34)
An exposition of John 7:31-34.
His Appointed Hour (John 7:30)
A look at the sinful plans of men and the sovereign plan of God. An exposition of John 7:30.